Law firms throughout the UK are figuring out how they can become more efficient. Whether that’s through focusing on new markets, implementing new technologies, or other solutions they might have.
The most important thing for them is to get their fee earners working more efficiently. But fee earners are restricted to what they can do by the legal practice they work for – it’s up to the employer to provide their employees with a working environment that enables greater efficiency.
Here at Eclipse, we believe the solution lies within your case management system. A good solution will provide fee earners with the freedom to be more productive than they ever have been – but only if used right. So here’s what to do.
Maximise accessibility
One of the key ways in which you can help fee earners achieve their goals of greater efficiency is by increasing accessibility to their tools. And the most important tool they have is their Case Management solution.
Having it installed on the computers in the office, or in the cloud, is one thing. But fee earners often have to be out of the office visiting clients. So they need to be able to access the details of all their case files remotely and conveniently, be that in the back of a taxi, in a lift, or while dashing between meetings. Time that would have otherwise been lost can be spent productively.
Ensure security
One concern individuals may have about a remote version of a case management system – whether they’re a fee earner, client, or partner at the firm – is that its availability outside of the office makes it less safe, and more susceptible to malicious attacks.
These are fair concerns, and so it’s imperative that any solution that increases accessibility also takes into account security. The fact is, smartphones are just as, if not more secure than any other method – as they usually require a fingerprint scan to access the device itself.
Paper documents can get lost easily, and it’s not uncommon for a laptop to get left behind in a client’s office, or on the back seat of a taxi. This can happen to smartphones too, but their more secure nature – the aforementioned fingerprint or facial scan – makes this less dangerous.
No new product or feature that can access sensitive data should be launched before passing stringent data security tests. Protecting the data contained within case management systems should be of the utmost importance to legal software suppliers – and it is to us.
Proclaim Go
Which brings us to Proclaim Go – a new secure environment which increases the accessibility of the Proclaim case management solution.
Proclaim Go is a mobile and tablet friendly application powered by Proclaim.
It allows fee earners to access case history details (including documents and previous correspondence) while away from their PC or laptop. All they need is an internet connection, and login details to their own personal Proclaim Go portal.
With Proclaim Go, users can record meetings and update information on their cases, such as logging phone calls, creating case notes (using their smartphone’s existing digital dictation functionality), recording time and viewing future tasks – all on the go.
It gives fee earners the extra flexibility they need to help them provide an exceptional service to their clients.
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