Monday, 24 December 2012

Using Proclaim Case Management to underpin a sustainable service ethos

To maintain competitiveness in an increasingly tough market, Mackrell & Thomas knew that the implementation of a robust and flexible Case Management solution was vital.  Of key importance were ease of use and the ability to extract and analyse performance data.

Friday, 14 December 2012

Thinking of becoming an Alternative Business Structure?

The Alternative Business Structures (ABS) regulatory regime has been in existence for a year now, so it’s worth a look to see how these regulations have impacted the provision of legal services and the organisations who provide them.

It has certainly opened up the legal market, but the expected instant and huge change to the legal market has actually been more of a considered uptake as companies wait to see how ABS beds in.

Click here to read the full article

Thursday, 13 December 2012

Pudsey Legal: The journey from new start-up to ABS!

Originally formed as Kayes Solicitors some 10 years ago, Pudsey Legal was launched following the grant of its ABS licence in November 2012.  The organisation now numbers over 20 staff, having earned an enviable reputation for excellent customer service and a strong local focus.

The Challenge:
With changes in legal legislation the firm saw an opportunity to expand into a broader range of consumer legal services, as well as enabling non-Solicitor managers to take an ownership stake.  Traditionally a personal injury practice, Pudsey Legal has launched conveyancing, wills, probate, family law, and consumer dispute products in order to provide a truly one-stop solution for the local community.

Click here to read the full case study

Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Proclaim Case Management eliminates administrative burden of accident claims

Travis Perkins has supplied building materials to the trade for over 100 years, with traceable roots going back a further century. With a network of around 2,000 branches, it is the largest supplier to the UK’s building and construction industry. 

The firm realised their exisitng method of handling claims was not sustainable, particularly as the company aimed to grow and forecasted increasing workloads. 

Click here to read the full case study